The meaning of the colors in the New Year


The meaning of the colors in the New Year

If you are a person who believes in the myths and rituals of luck you should already be thinking about the colors you want to wear for New Year’s Eve, right? After all, tradition says that the chosen colors represent the main wishes for the year to be coming in this case, all sorts of rituals can only do as well.

He plans to invest in this tradition? Then see what is the meaning of colors in the look Eve and also the best combination to rock!

The meaning of the colors of the clothes in the New Year’s Eve
Wanted colors of the New Year’s Eve white, golden, silver, red, yellow, red, pink and green. So why are the tones with the wishes of the most prominent for those who want to start the new year on the right foot and in style. But of course there are other colors worthy of attention.


Want to know more about the colors and their meanings for the New Year’s Eve? Then check out:

Red: start with it soon, and one of the colors used, at least with respect underwear. This is the color of passion, and this crazy thing that everyone is suffering, but everyone wants.

Yellow / Gold: This is the color that attracts money and material wealth and prosperity. Especially good for those who need or seek critical in the budget. Usually in this case it is used most often in gold metallic tone super versatile and combines with other colors almost everything, well-being in most skin colors, instead of yellow.

Green: Green is the color of hope and faith. A very good feeling for those who need a little optimism for the years to come, after all is not always the year ended leaving very good memories.


Orange: This color attracts the energy and creativity. Great if you need to hand to deal with a whole new year of work and planning to ask.


Rose: So dear and red of passion, pink is also one of the Xodos chicks. This is because, according to tradition, the color attracts love. Even if that’s what you want, it does not cost anything to invest.

Blue: It was a busy year and want to rest for next time? Then use the color blue, a color that means calm. As an advantage, it is a color superversátil, so if you’re a fashion lover, you know that you can always create a good look at it.


Purple / Purple: Tired of mistakes in 2014? Well: purple or lilac shades means intuition and positive energy. It is also ultra-feminine colors that investment in the look with these colors can be an advantage.



Black: Well, not the usual black color in the night, but said that its meaning is bad? At the end of the year parties, which means the decision and independence. It is recognized that we are two great desires, and in a way a great option in black goes with everything.

White / Silver: more traditional colors of the New Year’s Eve justify preference precisely because its meaning: peace and unity are the wishes expressed by those who choose these tones in time to dress for the date. After all, if the idea is to start all over again, there’s nothing better than the Union as well as the desired peace.

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Tips to match the colors in the form of New Year’s Eve!
I do not want monochrome look for New Year’s Eve? Do not worry: Some of the options is always working, not to mention that some colors may be hidden, as in the case of underwear:

White and black are the main colors. They are the most versatile of this option and service mix approx. Therefore, investment!

Since metallic colors as the case of gold and silver can work very well at the right time to join the other songs that are not as versatile as well as when they are not close to white or black. Especially green, orange, red and purple.

MuscleTech muscular public clear

runningClear MUSCLETECH MUSCLE assessment – how does it work?

MuscleTech muscular public clear

MuscleTech has a popular enough to make wild claims and annoy customers when these claims are not realized. Over time, I have tried to alleviate the problems a little bit, and they, however, is certainly not shy about selling themselves. There is no way back, and they came here with a new product called muscle MuscleTech survey. The state is that this session will help the capsule and placed in a crazy amount of muscle during the intervening period of 12 weeks and Pure just’ll lose fat at the same time.

MuscleTech muscles clear components and how they work

There may actually be an element of course inMuscleTech muscle loud, and as Flex Trylo unknown. The free acid or beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate. Which makes a new type of HMB did not extend the muscle and energy. HMB and the majority of all know that calcium is safe. BetaTOR is free, which makes it simply absorbed much more.

MuscleTech study muscle Science course

He is scheduled Tampa College, the main ingredient of course muscle MuscleTech to take a look at the trial of blind placebo for 12 weeks long double. There were two teams of experts lifters, all using the same height militants routine, a set of pure TESTO take explode, otherwise with placebo. BetaTOR group won sixteen kilograms of muscle mass during the period of 12 weeks, while the second group earned 6.

MuscleTech in on the Internet, you can get a specific exercise routine that was used in the medical trial, which will be able to see how their results are likely to pile in opposition to the scientific evidence.

MuscleTech professionals clear muscles and cons

A clear benefit MuscleTech muscle

The main ingredient is examined clinically complex T- and proven to work.
Disadvantages of course MuscleTech muscle

It is very expensive.
Pure muscle loads review the prospects for a clear review comes from unhappy did not get the results that you had hoped.
The right place to buy

Of course you should buy MuscleTech muscles online or CNG. Month bid about $ 80, but I realized that al-Qaeda, bodybuilding dot com for $ 70.

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I’m not sure what that means. Scientific results look like what we all need. However, the muscles and clear customer evaluations precise MuscleTech report unique history. I would like to wait for some time in this case. It is, however, an entirely new phrase keeps dripping. If you are determined to take advantage of it, keep in mind that this is the Black Label, so you’ll have to keep your expectations in the test.

Sports Cycle image -7 Overview

healthychoicesforlife_website_bannerIMAGE activities 7 SPORT cycle assessment – how does it work?

Sports Cycle image -7 Overview

During the Cold War, while the astrophysicists within the United States and the Soviet Union may compete for the development of guns and applications larger and larger areas, scientists have participated in all countries are also in the creation of medicines and dietary supplements to create more and top athletes to compete with each other on the world stage. And sliding sports cycle 7 image immediately from the Soviet side of this epic contest.

Sports activities -7’s cycle is non-hormonal, and the winner of pure muscle palliative, designed to build muscle, and improve energy and improve bone density. Advertising, marketing and calls him on pure Soviet impressed University, although it is completely safe and approved, without steroids minutes. So let’s see what is in the image of sports activities -7 cycle and whether or not it is effective.

Image cycle -7 sports elements and how they work

Personal ingredient in sports activities Photo 7reveals course the fact that the extra muscle builder atestosterone enhanced. They consist of:

Muscle amino MuscleAmino mixture composed of two amino acids that promote protein synthesis for optimal protein synthesis, and muscle building, and restored.
Sports activities -7 anabolic matrix cycle consisting of Trylo Flex, wild yam, Rhodiola root, vibernum Sargeni, white and Quebracho.
Mixtures are the property, which indicates that we do not know the person reaches ingredients. However, amino Mix is ​​a complete 1000mg, while natural mixture is 400 mg. This means that most of the activities of sports images -7 cycle components are amino acids, which are certainly capable of leading to the improvement of the largest muscle when used with a strong exercise program.

Really useful dose is 2 Image Sports activities cycle -7 Pure explode capsules daily, preferably with meals, taken either in the morning or in the evening.

Sports Cycle 7 Professional image and cons

The benefits of sports activities -7’s cycle

And the image of sports -7 cycle getting rave reviews from customers T- complex, saying basically helped them to push harder, reach most of the data, and build additional muscle mass.
It has a nice price.
Image defects sports activities -7 cycle

You can discover the positive sports activities Pure’s review cycle -7 views upset the odds, who say they have done nothing.
Components is limited to a large extent.
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The right place to buy

You buy an image Sports -7 Black Label NO cycle activities online through a series of different locations must completely. The only months that made betweem usually sells $ 25 and $ 35.


Sports activities -7’s cycle is a good product, but nothing in haste and purchased. Method of advertising and marketing of the Soviet scientists and athletes include additional noise really something. You could spend your money in excellent high-quality protein from this.

With ginger tea, how to lose weight

Vitamin and Fitness diet, green grassWith ginger tea, how to lose weight
Ginger tea also reduces, the most healthy and natural weight loss is one of the physical and mental level of our energy, by increasing its many benefits, you follow can improve digestion and speed metabolism Thanks ways to alleviate hunger and diseases that afflict helps digest food better.

This ginger tea as long as control of food intake will help you have to know that. , Fat that bother them when it comes to losing those extra pounds is an important part of your diet to improve, “Libra” Avoid refined sugars and flour, eat right, exercise and drink water from a will take you without a doubt is the source of healthy lifestyle to achieve your goals.

These are incredible benefits of ginger tea


This, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, such as providing relief, fight colds and ensures a return as Ginger, treatment for colds and flu is one of the oldest. A cup of tea throat, cough and also relieves congestion, Ginger also acts as an antihistamine and it is useful in the chills, fever and help prevent excessive sweating found that chromium, magnesium and zinc-containing treatment of allergies.

It is a natural appetite suppressant

Ginger is almost free of calories, and is used in cooking or making tea, it to meet their weight loss goals can give you a slight advantage. Ginger is known to be a thermogenic food, because Ginger and weight loss go hand in hand, it means that the body temperature increases and you burn more fat and turn it in , speeds up the metabolism of toxins removed immediately.

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Synthesized nutrient absorption

You are trying to lose weight, get enough essential nutrients, but if your body is overweight, body fat necessary to turn the food does not absorb nutrients, absorption of nutrients Ginger They will improve will help you have better health.

It works directly on the circulatory system

Or irrigation to fat in the arteries and cause cardiovascular problems, avoiding the formation, prevents heart problems.

Best antioxidant

Ginger tea, a natural beverage with high antioxidant properties that can eliminate all these, because, to eliminate through urine retention and lose weight properly removing toxins, inflammation of the stomach immediately eliminate toxins that sicken and inflame our body, organs work better and can burn fat more easily. This is the best ally for your health.

It gives satiety

Ginger, plays an integral role in helping us to feel satisfied, so we eat less and as a fat burner in our body and act to reduce your calorie intake, you feel full longer.


If you are pregnant or breastfeeding process so long as your doctor recommends, it would not be appropriate infusion.

Diabetes or blood pressure medication has been prescribed for you should not take ginger tea. Such drugs should not be combined with herb.

How to prepare ginger tea

It just 3 cups of water, grated ginger or slices, lemon juice and a spoonful of honey to 100 g, is easy.

Place 3 cups of water in a container and take it to heat up to boiling point.

Add 100 grams of ginger into the container. Turn off the heat and cover the bowl for 10 minutes. Then, put pressure on him.

You also> 8 infusions to lose weight, you can like.

The infusion of lemon juice and add a tablespoon of honey and is willing to take if you want, you can store in the fridge and as you like, it’s hot or cold, but the best way This is to warm up.

It is not a substitute for food, because food will not change for tea, is a supplement to your diet, the best way to lose weight will help in the functioning of the intestinal transit as fast and after eating food is for the production of gastric juices gain regulation and absorption of food.

You should try and proposed goals if you want to lose weight, a healthy mind in a healthy body gives you remember that ….

Top 5 burn fat fruit

runningTop 5 burn fat fruit
Eating fruit is not just a source of vitamins and nutrients, and we wonder how easy it is to reverse or certain foods consume more calories to digest from the above that have a negative impact, fat burning fruits have natural sugars such as glucose in the body break down and later use as input energy to work quickly to save us down to a fast metabolism because our body weight, fat burning is.

There are all the fruits and “soluble and insoluble,” a high content of fiber and a good exercise routine along with the best natural conditions, the best way to eat better foods with fat burning mode hypocaloric weight reduction.

Fruits, especially because of the high content of water, vitamins and nutritional value of food and recommended governments, especially what we want, which is, by removing the fat-free body.

The nutritional value found in fat burning fruits of the best things and, make that chain of several valine, leucine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan, and the Alaizuliossin, methionine, and phenylalanine, histidine and arginine, the amino acids produced by the body and play in a healthy way and fruit consumed, there is no need, because without them our bodies are affected by proteins that are essential to human life, and models.

Recommended others over there fruit diet, and some natural antioxidants in your diet, phytosterols, and anthocyanins are increasing as our body, are too big to get the benefits of eating fruits also, and he is very content, and the best vitamins and minerals, and fat for energy, “fatty acids “by exchanging cell activity, and improve the body fit for the laxative effects we can swallow.

Fruits in your diet should include citrus fairly fat burning and high content of vitamin C after vitamins, advanced age warrior fighting cells kg and in particular anti-oxidant.


They citrus family, grapefruit, helps the liver cleanse with few carbohydrates and nearly 90% of water, cleaning and characteristics of the task, and kidneys work better, so the breakfast is great for burning fat meal or snack. But grapefruit to lower blood pressure, and you have problems with stress, even if, when you are mixing two or three times a week should eat with orange juice.

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They are rich in fiber and water, and the more they help you feel full without eating to lose weight, making them a great fruit low-calorie, potassium, magnesium and high calcium, and of course, vitamin C, they maintain the increased acidity metabolic degree, help digestion, and helps stimulate fat burning, is a very good regulates uric acid, improves high blood pressure.

New Zealand.

It helps you burn fat and anti-aging antioxidants in the assistant, the best vitamin C content, but it simplifies the body.


Plant rich in vitamin C and lycopene, a third of the accumulated fat-burning has the potential to speed up the metabolism of amino acids-Carnitine, plays an important role in the production.


Coconut hepatic metabolism of triglycerides containing increase of 30 percent. So you can burn more calories, improve digestion and make you eat less, causing satiety, your body works. I suffer from hypothyroidism, so, you naturally, and shredded, oil or milk can eat all the benefits to help get control of your oil, because this fruit is ideal.

Coconut oil did not know you to help in the metabolism very good speed, and coconut oil is very beneficial to the excitement of the keys to increase, because nearly 30 years, the first thought is not as harmful or bad metabolism. Coconut oil, and how we can use to speed up metabolism to leave information.

, Nature builds healthy properties to capture and retain the best food to eat to lose weight quickly, but always remember that achieve a balance between your diet and physical activity.

The mystery of celery to lose weight

18 BMG Healthy Living TipsThe mystery of celery to lose weight
Celery Health to provide vitamins a full meal, calcium, potassium, magnesium, folate, iron and amino acids, because, ultimately, help to clean the gut bacteria we have are high in fiber, rich in nutrients, maintained toxins ordinary water retention, and the elimination of hunger and reduce your weight quickly will allow for a number few calories, no fat and few carbohydrates makes.

Parsley, making it a diuretic excellent Paul and cleanse the body, such as limonene and selinene and asparagine contain essential oils, this food hydration of the body, making it very light and contain 95 percent less fluid retention allows us to keep the toxins through urine, and allows for the extraction, it is important that We note that some of the features found in the cell.

Celery, and not just in juice or salad 0.2 stems per day can reduce cholesterol by consumption, allowing us to lose weight, but improves your health, and it helps to end, which helps to increase the secretion of bile acid, and helps cholesterol from the body.

Eat celery a day, and helps to prevent cancer, and to prevent or stop it is known that cancer cells for their property that contains the powerful flavonoids growth. This plant in the prevention of pancreatic and breast cancer is effective.

Celery great to contribute to the fiber, which gives us a sense of satiety, and help digestion, improve appetite, prevent constipation and reduce the formation of intestinal gas is ideal for. We clean releases toxins celery juice helps relieve constipation and intestinal walls, which makes it a natural laxative bowel movements that help some dietary fiber, and consume.

Directly involved in the development of our body tissues easy for good organic process, such as potassium, sodium, vitamin B1, B2 and B6, skin, hair and eye care as the core contains minerals.

Tea celery make it useful for people who suffer from insomnia, and have a calming effect on the nervous system, and high levels of magnesium to help relax you and your body should be comfortable to keep in mind that just a soothing and comfortable fall asleep with balance and weight loss can not sleep because of stress and anxiety.

Today sweets, cakes, soft drinks and reduce cravings for junk food helps to control the celery juice. In your mind to help you lose weight quickly is beneficial not get kg large doses, do not feel the need to request permits may create a feeling of fullness. Celery there is one more characteristics of minor importance.

It is an excellent choice for weight loss gives you all the nutrients you relax blood circulation and reduce cholesterol, improve the lean, because you raise the intestinal transit, celery and water consumption and poisons only is to eliminate fluid retention.


Water with parsley fit, you just got on the trunks of the whole celery need to wash, you half infusion for 25 minutes over medium heat and simmer until two 0.2 liter of water to cook and put schools, at any time of the day it’s hot or cold drinks, but for a period of 15 days spent the morning can recommend, along with healthy eating habits and celery water you will notice.

Do you like also to remove toxins from the body, and weight> suggestions can be.
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If you want, you can do can add water, parsley and lemon juice, it is astringent and cleaner toxins, your body is changing on a regular basis without affecting the body to lose weight that would be an option for drinking water.

Without a miraculous water, it always must be combined with a balanced diet Remember, all the different bodies and lose weight a different process, because it is ideal that you include, your body needs the proper amount of nutrients in your diet, such as physical activity, your body quickly to help get rid of toxins, and sound mind in a sound body will grant you that you will not remember.

VYDOX Best Men’s Fragrances

images (2)VYDOX Best Men’s Fragrances
Women are not the only ones that use the colonies sign that people are associated with. Men wear colonies that want to be associated with it. This is what is commonly known as colony anchor. The best places on your body to apply the colony are those that emit more body heat. You must apply your favorite cologne inside the wrists, behind the ear, and the sides of his neck.

Best Fragrances for Men You should never exaggerate. There needs to be just a drop or two to smell them. Men who use spray colonies sometimes spray into the air and walk through it. Women do it too. Spray your hand gently, then rub your hands together, and rub the front of his clothes to make the scent last longer. You should choose your scent depending on whether the activities in some cases, formal night on the town, or to work. Most of the smells of men have the smell of musk combined with the other ingredients. Can be a citrus nuances, smell the flowers, or sandalwood. Choose the fragrance that fits your lifestyle, personality, and one will feel comfortable using.

No2 Factor

If you are an outdoor type, choose fragrance that contains bergamot and musk scent. It is a good combination for those involved in a lot of outdoor activities or sports air, and they are not overwhelming. For the office, always want to give a professional image and should reflect the smell of it. Choose the smell This is a classic for office use. It is based on a group of young professionals and rice with light hints of basil and coriander.

Another new fragrance for young professional men and has a base of spices that come across in the beginning, but as the day progresses, you can get the notes hesperidia and rosemary. Deeper shades finally come through a combination of cardamom and nutmeg. Some of the new fragrance for men with earth tones and wood, and can be used for a variety of occasions. If you want to smell versatile that can be applied before going out to a party or sporting event, and select one of citrus shades or strong aromas of rice. New flavors on the market is the combination of red Brazilian wood, amber and patchouli, which are used a lot, and is very popular among younger men. Experiment with some scents to find one that suits you best.

No2 Factor Best Muscle Building Supplement

bodybuilding-fitness-_410247-42No2 Factor When you are overweight, you do not look and feel your best, but you run the risk of developing serious health problems if the excess weight is not falling. Among the health problems that can arise, diabetes, high blood pressure, and various kinds of heart disease. When you’re trying to lose weight, you have to choose the best options for you. It comes down to a matter of personal preference when choosing the right combination of foods to eat to lose weight effectively when you eat more calories than you burn, and storage of fat in the body. By changing your eating to include fat burning foods habits, you can safely lose weight.

Best Muscle Building Supplement
Since men and women burn fat in a different way, men should choose foods that help burn fat more effectively. One of the best fat burning foods for men is jalapenos. Scouts in metabolism, and it can be used in a variety of foods to add additional flavor. Lean Turkey contains a lot of proteins, which also works on the metabolism and not stored as fat. You can edit the body fat and build muscle. One of the best foods for men that burns not only fat, but they also help keep insulin levels under control is a grain of whole grains. A good option due to the high percentage of fiber.

When you want a good appetite and want to lose weight quickly, and beans are a good option. They come in many varieties, and can be used in power, soups and main dishes. Grain very low in calories, contain a lot of protein and fiber and make you feel full so you will not overeat. Beans are one of the best foods to eat when you want to burn fat and lose weight quickly.

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And should be included food in your daily diet when you want to burn excess fat and excess weight loss quickly, is the soup. You can include the soup before the main your course of the night to fill you up, and to discourage overeating. If you enjoy cooking, you can create your own recipes with vegetables that are high in fiber and low in calories. You can also find good, low-calorie in the market that are filling and low in fat and calories and soups. The soup is a good alternative for snacks with high calories between meals. And make some changes in diet and moderate exercise help you get rid of this excess weight quickly.

Quickly build muscle with three easy exercises for men

Quickly build muscle with three easy exercises for men
There is a misconception that the only way to lose weight to buy a membership in a gym hall exorbitant price. While gym membership can help, you do not have to spend money on one of the weight loss. Some simple exercises performance in the comfort of your home can help you lose weight, build muscle.

The following are some basic exercises every man must do if you’re trying to lose weight. Each exercise is designed to tone, trim and build muscle in different parts of the body.
Ripped-Abs-WorkoutHeisman practice

Build muscle fast with three easy exercises to practice MEN THE Heisman is designed to tone and lowering the shoulders, buttocks, thighs and arms. You can also build a strong core. He was on the practice because of its similarity with the Heisman pose on top of Heisman Trophy.

To perform this exercise, with your feet and start his arms at your sides. It will jump from one foot to the other with the knee move closer to the chest as possible. Move your arms while jumping back and forth as if it is running. This is done for a minute while standing in place.
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“>Hit the floor exercise

Hit the ground movements work the lower body. It is designed to build a strong nucleus, while the back and thighs work. Exactly describes the process the name of what to do: hit the ground.

To perform this exercise, start with both feet spread apart. He tends ground. However, you have to cross out and touch the opposite foot. For example, the right arm to the left foot. Once you touch the ground, jump in the air and the speed of change hands. This is done continuously for one minute duration.
Kick switch

Switch kick exercises targeting the triceps on the face, arms, back, core, thighs, buttocks selection. This is a very difficult process, but it can really build and strengthen the muscles in less than a minute. Shift kick starts with you sit, your knees bent and your hands behind you, but against his legs. And it will raise the rear push-up position, and begin to kick in the leg as straight as possible in the air. Once a kick in the leg, and he is a little jump switch legs. The point is constantly kicking legs for a minute respectively.

The design of any building body strength and low lunges Squats

The lower part of the body building strength without lunges and squats
Personal trainers and DVDs training you always say that the way lower body strength to build and implement dozens of squats and lunges. While these exercises can work to tone and tighten the ass and thighs, and can get very boring. If you are looking for a way lower body strength without the use of lunges or squats to build, here are some exercises that you can do. Each exercise is designed to tone and tighten the ass and thighs in no time at all.
Wall Bridge
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The bridge wall tone your back and butt. All you need is a wall and a little bit of time. Lying closer to the wall as possible, and put your feet about four feet above the wall. Make sure your knees bent, and push slowly fall. I want to make sure your back on the floor, his body is straight. 5 continue to move slowly and charges down the back to the wall.

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If the use of the wall is very difficult that it is not a modified version that can be done. Wall Bridge amendment makes it while lying on his back, but instead of using soil wall used. The scale is the same, but you do not have an additional challenge of balance.

The spaces tone thighs internal and external design movement. Sitting against the wall is straight back and put his legs up against the wall. Slowly lower one leg to the side, keeping the leg there for several seconds, then slowly move to the starting position. Alternate do this with each leg until you have made a total of 10 times on each side.
Toe touches

Lying on the floor with your back against the wall, legs, and we will work to make the pushups slow. This toe touches help you build core muscles while developing lower body strength. Post and slowly move away from his chest and into his foot. In an attempt to touch your toes, neck, back and chest off the ground. Keep the finger touch for several seconds, then repeat on the other side. Repeated several times on each side for maximum abdominal and lower body workout.